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Guadalupe River State Park


Spring Branch, TX

If you like to fish, hunt, camp, or enjoy nature, chances are you have spent some time in a Texas State Park.  Texas state parks are popular and heavily used.  The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department commissioned GSC Architects, A method Architecture Company (GSC) to upgrade and replace nine unique restrooms in four different parks. Each park is distinctive and appeals to visitors with specific wants and needs.  GSC dedicated our time to studying the parks and speaking with the staff to produce detailed programming specific to each park. Durable finishes, easy maintenance, ease of use, and design appeal were critical attributes for each park.  Our team designed the aesthetics to enhance each park’s vernacular nomenclature.

At Guadalupe River State Park and Government Canyon State Natural Area, the structures incorporate insulated concrete forms. The high-efficiency restrooms integrate sustainable greywater systems to support and enhance each restroom’s long life-span.  These attractive new restrooms harmonize with the park and make the adventure more pleasant for everyone!

Austin Convention Center Waller Creek Terrace Room
Austin, Texas
Creative Dreams Outreach Center
Stafford, Texas
Foundation Communities Fountain Park Plaza II
Austin, TX
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